Thursday, August 4, 2011

Favorite Things Friday: Baby Edition

Push Play:

Hi doll face! Is it me or does it seem like everyone is popping out babies lately? I feel like I’ve been focusing on baby gifts for the past month. It’s seriously making my ovaries hurt, giving me baby fever! These are my favorite projects this week:

1. Baby booties

Look at these teeny, tiny things! SO simple, but so cute. My mom made these, by the way. They’re made of felt, flannel, and embroidery floss.

2. Baby wooden blocks

Step 1: Use your "25% off your entire purchase" coupon at craft stores to buy these 1.5” wooden blocks because they never go on sale and it doesn’t make sense to use your "40% off one item" coupon on one block at a time :/ Use your "40% off one item" coupon on the Mod Podge. That's right! Save that money. :)

Step 2: Cut paper scraps from your scraps bucket to cover your wooden block sides. I cut 1 and 3/8 squares, but you can make them smaller if you want.

Step 3: Brush one layer of Mod Podge on a side of the block.

Step 4: Carefully lay on square of paper on the Mod Podge layer.

Step 5: Give it time to dry (it dries pretty quickly), then brush a 2nd coat on top of the paper.

Step 6: Continue steps 3-5 until all sides of all blocks are covered.

Step 7: Decorate as you wish. I used letter stickers to spell my friend, Julie’s little man sandwich’s name! I can’t wait to meet him.

3. Diaper Cakes

This was my 2nd diaper cake ever! It’s pretty easy to make. I learned how to make it by using good ol’ YouTube… that’s right… where I learn how to do just about everything. Ha!

Hope your week was filled with making pretty things! Happy crafting!

P.S. Ruth, Lauren, and I submitted an application along with our Etsy site and photos to become a vendor at The Great Craft Festival in November on Wednesday. This would be good experience for us because this is the 29th annual festival, and 13,000 are expected to come! We got an email back on Thursday that said we were accepted! Woo hoo! This only means one thing: Back to the sweat shop. :)


  1. The blocks are ADORABLE!! Just might take a trip to the craft store - might as well do something crafty while I'm sitting around waiting!! :o)

  2. Thanks, Bri! Do it, they're so easy and cheap to make! Take pics and post them on here!

