Friday, June 24, 2011


Whew! Isn't it a relief to be navigating through our new blog template without using a Spanish/English dictionary to translate? Nothing against Spanish... it's a lovely language... and thank you to those who stuck with us and "leered mas" and "buscared"! We appreciate it! Ever since this change we've been getting TONS of comments. Okay, TWO comments, (one of them was from my sister) but let me tell you that those comments made me want to run around in a circle, fall on the ground, and kick my feet in the air! :)

This week, we worked on taking pictures of some of our new creations and posted them on our Etsy site. Check them out!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading, and COMMENT why don't you? We love feedback. (It makes us feel special.) Have a happy day!


  1. everything is lovely!! I really enjoy the blog!

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting, Bri! We'll be making more baby stuff that I know that baby C will love <3!

  3. Love all your stuff on etsy! :)

  4. Thanks, Cynthia! What's your favorite so far?

